
Rhode Island Hospital Pharmacy

Providence, Rhode Island

Due to 2019 Federal Guideline changes, cancer centers across the country are required to upgrade their HVAC and clean rooms. The ruling went into effect so quickly, designers had to accelerate plans for upgrades to Lifespan’s five pharmacy locations. Pariseault was awarded all five projects, with three needing to be completed simultaneously on short notice. This location at Rhode Island Hospital was the largest at 1,500 square feet. The projects included an extensive HVAC and exhaust scope to keep the required pressures in the cleanroom environment. Each location has three sterile clean rooms with automated sliding doors and one-way pass-throughs for the compounding of drugs. All finishes are easily cleanable with harsh cleaning products – epoxy paint, sheet vinyl floors and various solid surface countertops and shelves.  This project was completed within the five-month time frame to keep the Cancer Center running with no delays.

Architect: Lifespan Design Team

Challenges: Occupied & Active Hospital Environment, Phased Delivery, Fast Tracked Schedule

About The Client: Rhode Island Hospital is a private, 719-bed, not-for-profit acute care hospital. They are the largest hospital in the state and provide comprehensive services to patients.

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